Teacher Clarity Basics

In Region 1 of Columbus City Schools, the Teacher Clarity work of our professional development centers around
The Teacher Clarity Playbook, 2018 written by Fisher, Frey, Amador, and Assof.  

Teacher Clarity Playbook

Teacher Clarity Playbook (TCPB)Terms to Know:

Skills - the verbs in a standard speak to the skills students must acquire.

Concepts - are generally represented by nouns in a standard to show what students need to know.

Types of Knowledge:

Declarative  - what facts are needed?

Procedural - how will the students apply what they have learned?

Conditional - when do students use this knowledge?  (TCPB p.  2-4)

Learning Progression - the sequence of concepts and processes that underlie the standard.  (TCPB p.  9-11)

Learning Intention - a daily statement of what a student is expected to learn in a given lesson. (TCPB p.  20-21)

Success Criteria - indicate what students will be able to think, say, and do to show that what they know. (TCPB p. 30-32)
